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a selection of marks used in Imperial Russia on silver, enamel silver, niello silver, filigree silver
most of silversmith's and assayer's monograms are in
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Postnikova-Loseva # and P-L #:
ref. # on 'Gold and silver manifacture in Russia XV-XX century' by Postnikova-Loseva and others (2003)
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DANISZEWKII. Daniszewski (Jonas Danisauskas Tumila, vyr.) (Postnikova-Loseva # 232) #214
DI (cyr.)Dmitriì Nikolaevich Nikolaev (P-L #2420)#37
DM (cyr.) unidentified (P-L #2417)#130
DN (cyr.) D.P. Nikitin (Postnikova-Loseva #2421) #139
EA (cyr.) #124
EAB Eduard August Bauer(Postnikova-Loseva #3495) #81
EK Erik August Kollin (Postnikova-Loseva #1441) #39
EK (cyr.) Erik August Kollin (Postnikova-Loseva # 1441)
for Ivan Ekimovich Morozov (Postnikova-Loseva # 1344)
EK Erik Kollin ?#114
EKK (cyr.) (Postnikova-Loseva # 2446) #170
EMK (lat.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 1275) #120
FABERGE (cyr.) AE for Karl Faberzhe (P-L #1421) #33
FABERGE (cyr.) Anders Johan Navalinen (P-L #1483) for Faberzhe (P-L #1421)#34
FGR (lat.) #2
FI (cyr.) Fedor Ivanov (Postnikova-Loseva # 2953) #213
FK Hans Fridrich Knauff (Postnikova-Loseva #1615) #193
FP (cyr.) Feodosiì Ivanovich Pekin (P-L #2971) #184
FR (cyr.) Fedor Ruckert #59
FWS Wennestrom O.F. #35
GAS Gustav Alexander Sohlman (Postnikova-Loseva #1635) #202
GGL (cyr.) Girshi Gaselevich Lizerin (P-L # 2366) #176
GK (cyr.) Gustav Gustavovich Klingert (P-L #2374) #40
GK Gustav Gustavovich Klingert (Postnikova-Loseva # 3035)#117
GK #171
GO Gustav Magnus Akerblom (Postnikova-Loseva # 1656) #113
GP (cyr.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 605) #127
GP (cyr.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 607) #206
GRACHEV (cyr.) Mikail Grachev and others(P-L #1237) #45
GS (cyr.) Grigoriì Ivanov Serebrnikov (P-L # 2386) #123
GUBKIN (cyr.) Ivan Semenovich Gubkin (P-L #2395) #142
HAL Henrik August Lang (Postnikova-Loseva #1671) #218
IA (cyr.) #49
IA Ivan Alekseevich Alekseev (Postnikova-Loseva #2537) #188
IANTZEN Christian Andreas Iantzen (P-L # 1691) # 8
IEZ (cyr.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 615) #172
IEZ (cyr.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 617) #197
IF (cyr) Ivan Ivanovich Futikin (Postnikova-Loseva # 2527) #79
IF (cyr) Ivan Evstfbev Fedotov (Postnikova-Loseva # 947) #108
IFA (cyr.) Ivan Fedorovich Andreev (P-L #2529) #126
IFA Johann Fridrik Akerblom (Postnikova-Loseva # 1707) #174
IG (cyr.) Ivan Semenovich Gubkin (P-L #2483) #10
IG (cyr.) Ivan Semenovich Gubkin (P-L #2483) #12
IG (cyr.)Ivan Semenovich Gubkin (P-L # 2483) #91
IK (cyr.) Ivan Kaltikov (Postnikova-Loseva # 2494) #78
IIM I (cyr.) unidentified (Postnikova-Loseva # 731) #196
IKh (cyr.) Ivan Petrovich Khlebnikov (P-L # 1298) # 5
IKh (cyr.) #21
IKh (cyr.) #52
IL (cyr.) Iuka Khaimovich Lozinskiì (P-L #2499) #211
IM Johann Myllys (Postnikova-Loseva #1733) #210
IO Johann Fridrik Akerblom (Postnikova-Loseva #1740) #125
IW Johan Warjus (Postnikova-Loseva # 1753) #121
IZM IM (cyr.) Ivan Zinovbev Manilov (P-L # 955) #55
Iu.RABINOVICH (cyr.) Iu. Rabinovich (Judelius Rabinovits) (P-L # 220) #167
JAG J A Goldman #137
JR (lat,) #85
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assayer's marks
alphabetical index of
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some reference books

more silver and hallmarks? go to SILVERCOLLECTION.IT a small collection of antique silver and objects of vertu
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interested to Spanish hallmarks? the website of José Luis Muñoz Díaz has a widely illustrated selection of Spanish silver hallmarks

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